Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 - The Year of the Do-Over

One of my grown children received a board game this past Christmas. I shook my head in delight as I listened to four of them gathered around the game laughing, plotting, and occasionally accusing someone of "playing by a different set of rules." It reminded me of those family games long ago of "Chutes and Ladders", "Pretty, Pretty Princess", "Monopoly" or outside games like "Horse" and "21". The one "constant" in almost every game was at some point something would go wrong. The dice would roll off the table or the basketball would hit a rock in the driveway, the youngest child would trip into whatever game board, or some other mishap would occur. The words "I get a do-over" would be yelled immediately. At that point some discussion as to whether the offense merited a "do-over" would take place. If the mishap was legitimate - the "do-over" was granted. However, if the request was made simply because the player did not like the number on the dice, the answer would be no. At that point, life lessons about working through things that don't work out the way you hoped were learned!

As I pondered this new year and the beginning of a new decade I could not resist the temptation to look back over the last 10 years. First, I was overwhelmed at how much LIFE had happened in ten years. It felt like long days at the moment but now it seems that time flew like light years. In the past decade I definitely saw God's hand loving me, blessing me, and teaching me. There was such a mixture of mountain tops and valleys, the thrilling and the very mundane, and also great joys and incredible sorrows. There were those instances where I could honestly say "I got this right" and was so proud of my decision, action, reaction, etc... However, there were also those times of opportunities missed, less than brilliant decisions, and behavior that did not exactly portray the "love of Christ". There were many victories but not nearly as many as I had hoped. Like the children when things did not go exactly right - the words "Can I have a do-over?" kept coming to mind.

The reality is that we can never go back and change history. That decade is gone and there is no time machine to go backwards and do it over again. However, I also know that my past does not have to dictate my future. 2010 is the perfect time to start again. In Joel 2:25 it says, "I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten" or another version says, "I will give you back what was lost". The word that came to mind immediately was "redeemed". Webster defines redeem as "to offset the bad effect of or to buy back". So...all those decisions that were not so great or not being as far along in my spiritual walk as I think I should be - can all be redeemed. God can take my "not so great track record" and somehow use it for good. 2010 is brand new and just chock full of opportunities to allow God to offset the bad effect of. Therefore, as I look back my prayer for my future is that God would redeem my past and allow me to start again. Now that is the best "do over" anyone could ever receive!