Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Best Christmas Present I Ever Received

I love Christmas for many reasons but one in particular is that I love to give gifts. It is a thrill to watch someone’s face light up when you surprise him or her with something wonderful. While giving is great fun I have to admit that receiving them is not too bad either! Because of my love for this part of the holiday I have learned that Christmas presents come in three categories. Some are awesome and are just what you wanted Other gifts are in the “ok” category and are nice but just do not evoke that “WOW” emotion. Then there are those gifts that you receive (and hopefully never give) that…well you wonder what in the world that person was thinking when they purchased that item. However, those kinds of gifts make for great stories and also are the perfect thing for “white elephant” parties. The key here though is to make sure that the person who gave you that present is not at that party!!

The gift I write about today is not one that we would exchange and in fact has to be the BEST Christmas present in the whole world. It was our daughter, Rosemary who is celebrating her 20th birthday on Christmas. Her story is beautiful, amazing, funny, and filled with awe – just as she is. So…here is her story.

You would think that the story would begin on December 25, 1989 on the day she was born but so many things happened before her birth that the whole story requires telling. One of the most amazing sagas of her story happened in late May or early June. I was just about 8 or 9 weeks pregnant and with two small boys in tow, tired and sick most of the time. On one early summer hot afternoon, after a full morning of entertaining two boys age 4 and 2, I was exhausted. After putting the boys down for their nap I decided to take one also. I fell asleep on our bed on my back with my arms stretched over my head (which is something I never do) – right under our ceiling fan in our bedroom. Sleep quickly overcame me. Suddenly I heard one of the boys cry out in a loud voice, “Mom” and I reached forward with my right arm to get up. At that instant, our ceiling fan fell from the ceiling directly on to my stomach. The only thing shielding our baby was my arm and hand that had come across my body as I started to get up. When I disentangled myself from the fan and cleared my head from the shock of having a fan fall from the ceiling, I went to check on the boys. They were both sound asleep in their beds! I stood there dumbfounded because I knew someone had cried out and awakened me just before the fan fell. If that had not happened I would have taken the full blow and weight of that fan on my abdomen. I knew then that God had protected not only me but also our unborn baby from that crazy accident. The only injury I sustained was a bruised arm and hand from the heavy fan. We knew then this child was going to be something special.

Compared to the story of the fan, the rest of the pregnancy was pretty uneventful except the waiting and wondering about whether this was a boy or a girl. We had two boys and secretly I hoped for a girl but I was scared because I only knew how to raise boys. Girl’s hair and ribbons and frilly things scared me. I knew how to play football, basketball, and baseball but knew nothing of dolls and dress-up. I guess the anxiety began to translate into bad dreams. One night when my family had arrived for thanksgiving I got the turkey ready for the oven before I went to bed. I dreamed that night that I gave birth to not a baby but a turkey neck. I guess pulling all of the giblets and neck out of the turkey somehow traumatized me!!

The holidays were upon us and we had no baby yet. None of our children have been born on time or even near my due date. So…two weeks past the due date my mom and dad arrived. I felt like I was under a microscope all of the time. I was allowed to do very little so that made the waiting even longer. Christmas morning arrived and the boys got to open all of the gifts and we had a grand time with them. My mother and dad decided to stay home and get lunch completed while we went to the 10:00 church service. Before we left I began to feel a little weird but nothing I could say was labor. Sitting through church with two toddlers on Christmas morning is a challenge but being nine plus months pregnant adds a whole new element to the service. Just as the opening music started, I began to feel some serious pain. As the service continued, the pains got stronger and closer together. I let my husband know what was going on but I also knew that we have never left a church service early – we wait until the final chord has been played. Waiting would not usually be a big deal because children take a long time to be born. However, our 2nd son has been born in less than three hours from the first pain until the first cry and we had to drive to Little Rock. Finally, I leaned over and told him that unless we wanted to be on TV for delivering a baby in the middle of church perhaps we should leave NOW!! We left early that day! Everyone around us was a little nervous too. Seeing a very pregnant women, a harried husband, and two toddlers leaving in the middle of church must mean that something serious is about to happen.

We arrived home just as my mother was taking the turkey out of the oven. We told them we had to go to the hospital. My father asked if we could at least wait until we had lunch and I told him that even though mom was a nurse I did not think the pecan pie would be worth the wait. So…with my father looking longingly at his Christmas lunch on the table we left for Little Rock. We arrived and got settled into a room and the labor promptly STOPPED! I could not believe it (and neither could my dad). They walked me up and down the halls but nothing seemed to help. Finally, things started up again. After much time and effort the doctor announced that we had a baby GIRL! I could not believe my ears. What a wonderful gift we had received. After the pictures were taken and everyone got to hold her we all realized we were starving. The cafeteria was closed and no restaurants were open. So my poor husband drives all around until he finds a gas station that is open and he brought back cheese balls for our dinner. To this day, my dad tells everyone that his granddaughter caused him to eat stale cheese balls for his Christmas dinner when there was a feast waiting for him that we had plenty of time to savor and enjoy.

Late that evening in our room, holding our precious Christmas gift, I looked down on the hospital grounds at the manger scene bathed in a beautiful glow. I could not help but think of Mary and Joseph and the precious gift they (and all humanity) had been given on that Christmas night. The uniqueness of a Christmas baby was an awe-inspiring treasure. Words can’t really do justice to the wonder that we felt. Our boys overheard someone say something about how terrible it was that our baby was born on Christmas. They promptly turned around and told them that their sister had the best birthday of anyone – she had Jesus’ birthday. Out of the mouths of babes….

Since that day, Rosemary has grown to be a beautiful and amazing young woman. We have celebrated many birthdays – always at 8:00 at night on Christmas day. We are so proud of her – not just for all of her accomplishments but because of who she is. She is a delight and we are so grateful for the gift that she was and is to us. Happy 20th birthday, Rosemary. May God bless you with many more – you are the best Christmas present anyone could have ever received.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I just love “homecomings”! I am not referring to those football or basketball games where folks return to their Alma Maters and see old classmates. Those are good and fun but not nearly as good as what I am about to describe. I have had 3 of my children serving in missions on the other side of the world for the past four months. One was in Freetown, Sierra Leone and the other two were in Santiago, Chile. They left a day apart and returned a day apart. Thus, in the past 36 hours I have had the privilege of celebrating two homecomings! The month of December at the Wright household has NOT been counted in “how many days ‘till Christmas” but rather “how many days until Zach, Ashley, and Erik come home”. So…I have tried to do the things I needed to do in the past week or so but always keeping an eye on the day and time. I continually prayed for their safe travel and for everything to be on time with no weather delays, etc… I started buying the groceries, washing anything that needed freshening up, and doing anything I thought might “get ready” for the big day. Zach and Ashley arrived first at 8:00 a.m. this past Tuesday. That meant driving through rush hour traffic to get to the gate on time. Fortunately for the other drivers on the road that morning, my husband drove. I fear that if I had driven and someone had gotten in my way that “seeing the love of Christ” might not have been the first thing the other driver would have noticed! That sounds terrible to say but I know there are lots of moms out there who certainly understand! We made it on time and all was well except the plane was there but we waited and waited and waited and they still did not come. They have security guards now that keep you from going to the gate, but I confess that if five more minutes had passed I think I could have taken them and made it to the gate before they caught up with me to stop me! Fortunately for everyone involved, we finally saw them coming around the corner. Then the real celebration started! Hugs, tears, laughter, everyone talking at once – chaos at its finest was the accurate description of the scene.

Next day, thirty-six hours later Erik is due to arrive. We had a production rehearsal (final rehearsal before performance - so this is a really big deal) that was scheduled to be over at 8:45 p.m. His plan was due at 8:50 p.m. and the airport was 40 minutes away. We stayed until the last possible moment. Then the Wright gang ended up coming to the airport in three different vehicles leaving at various moments apart as soon as they could be dismissed. We all made it on time – bailing out of vehicles and leaving the driver to fend for himself as to parking and even money to park! And again…we waited and waited and waited. Some crazy “arrival / departure monitor screen” had the nerve to say the plane was not due in until 10:00 p.m. but another one said it had landed. That was a little confusing and once again thoughts of taking on security began to form in my head. However, Erik texted me to say the plane had landed and he would be there soon. Once again, jail time was averted! The scene from the previous day was repeated – joy, excitement, tears, love, laughter, and all around craziness! True celebration if there ever was a celebration!

I want to bed last night with my heart so full of gratitude and love. There was total and complete joy at seeing my children HOME! This morning I was reminded that what I experienced was just a small taste of what our Heavenly Father feels when one of his children comes home. In fact, there is a great story in Luke 15 about this very thing. This particular son did not leave home to go on the mission field but rather wanted to go out and experience all of the things he thought he was missing out on. So he takes his inheritance and goes to a distant country. The scripture tells us that he squandered his wealth on “wild living”. Then there was a famine. (This is a “by the way” but isn’t it interesting that a famine of the soul usually occurs after we decide life on the wild side is worth trying.) The son got so hungry that he did things he never would have thought he would do. But the story does not end there. Luke 15:17-19, “when he came to his senses…he said, I will set out and go back to my father…I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men”. Simply put, he wanted to go home but did not think he could be anything more than a servant. My favorite part of the story comes next. V.20 “But while he (the son) was still a long way off his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Then they celebrated and threw a big party! While my children were gone for different reasons than the one in the parable, the homecoming was still very similar. Just like me, the father was watching and waiting and counting the moments and started running when only a speck of them became visible. Then the joy and the party and the gratitude and the chaos began and continued for a long time.

Christmas is the best time for homecomings! John tells us “The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” The big “why did He do this” is so that we could go home. Without Jesus, we had no way to make that possible. He gave us the gift in Himself for us to be able to go home. Often the struggle for mankind to accept this simple idea usually takes on one of two issues. The first says, I can get my act together enough and be good enough and do enough good stuff to be able to go home on my own merit.” The other says, “I have done too much bad stuff and therefore I will never be worthy of getting to go home.” Neither of those two ideas is right or true. We can never be good enough to earn it by ourselves nor can we ever be bad enough to be beyond help or hope. So…this Christmas come home! Don’t worry about where you have been and what you have done or if you deserve anything. Just come home. The Father is standing on the front porch looking and watching and waiting and ready to welcome you HOME! He is ready for a BIG party and…He has His running shoes on!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Perfect Gift

This time of year I sometimes hear folks lamenting the "gift buying chores" and how they hate shopping. The day after Thanksgiving is even called Black Friday. Sounds kind of terrible if you ask me. I don't see it that way at all because this is my most super favorite and exciting time of the year. I LOVE Christmas!! I love the sights, the sounds, the excitement, and definitely the tastes. But...I really love the gifts. That is definitely my "love language" and boy do I "speak" this time of year. I love listening to my family and friends for that little thing they said in passing and then surprising them with it. You know those things they thought was either no big deal or way too bothersome for someone to notice their want or need. Now, don't get me wrong - I love to get gifts but I soooo love giving them. I am just about to explode this time of year because it kills me to keep all of the secrets and I can't wait for the recipient to open them! I have to admit that not every gift is awesome and amazing. Those are rare but boy when they come they are so fun!

The interesting thing about gifts is that they don't have to be expensive to be amazing. One of my most favorite gifts that I have received was a cassette tape. My precious husband had put together a collection of all of "our songs" and recorded it onto this tape. I literally wore that thing out. I still have it - even though it no longer works. The only expense involved was some time and the cassette tape itself. However, that gift was priceless because of what it represented - a way to show love to me.

God knows all about that kind of gift. He gave the greatest love gift - His Son. Only this gift was very costly - not in the way the world measures cost but in the way that really matters. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life." Just saying that is more than my mind can wrap around. I love giving gifts but I have to be honest, I don't know that I love anyone that much. Fortunately for all of us, God does love that much. He knew exactly what we needed and was willing to spare no expense.

So this Christmas as you are out shopping - ask for God's perspective. Rather than being irritated or stressed by all of it - ask for God's guidance and aid as you shop. Ask Him to give you insight into the "real needs" of each recipient so that they are "blessed" incredibly. You may even be surprised to find that you can stay easily within your Christmas budget this year. God, you meet needs in a special and unique way that will never be forgotten.
Merry Christmas and Happy Gift Giving.