Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Other Side of the Fence

Our youngest son was a very easy and compliant child - most of the time. However, there were a few things that he just seemed to test the limits. One such example had to do with the rule at our house that under no circumstances were you EVER to go into the street without an adult. If your ball rolled into the street - you went and got Mom or Dad but you were never to chase it. Because we lived near the High School our street was sometimes used as a short cut - generally by teenagers. So...the end result of going into the street was a spanking. It was that serious! We lived in a house that had a long driveway that was concrete and the street was asphalt. Thus, there was a very obvious line where the drive met the street. For reasons I can't begin to explain, Zach would walk directly to the crack where the street met the drive and put his big toe on it and then look at me. Technically, he was not really in the street but in his mind he was. He knew the boundary. He knew he had the entire front and back yard to play in with tons of toys. He knew the consequences. Yet...he pushed on the boundary to see if it was still the same that day. So...he would get a swat and be told to stay out of the street. Then he would run off and play - satisfied that the lines had not moved and nothing had changed. I have no idea why he needed to know that on more than one occasion!

This morning I was reading in the Psalms and I came across a verse that reminded me that I often do the very same thing as my toddler. Psalm 16: 5 - 6 says, "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." The commentary said these lines were used to describe God's blessing and that He can be trusted - in every circumstance. In other words, I can rest in the fact that God has me where He wants me and that He has a plan for my life. Just like Zach, I have "boundary lines" that are for my good and I also have wonderful things inside of those boundaries.

Why then does the "other side of the fence" look so appealing at times? If where I am is what is best for me, why do I put my big toe on the line? I think that one of satan's greatest tactics is getting us to first, look over the fence trying to make us dissatisfied with our side. Then, when we feel like we are missing out on something, we start leaning on the boundary and putting our toes on it. Next thing you know we are running into the street. Funny though, you don't often get hit on the first venture across the line. However, the day will eventually come and the results will be disastrous. As a result of this great reminder today I think I am going to be thankful for what I have and keep my eyes and toes where they belong. I will rest in the fact that my Heavenly Father does love me and He only wants the best for His little girl!

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