Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Child

I saw a family walking around my block this weekend. Dad, Mom, Grandma & Grandpa, and children were spread out for a little less than half of the length of the street. It reminded me of days gone by. Taking 4 children for a walk meant that some would be "hares" and others would be more of the "tortoise" kind. A walk could take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. It also meant that someone or multiples of someones would beg to be carried somewhere on the journey. At times I found myself impatient that a simple walk could take so long. From my point of view, the purpose of a walk was to go around the block to tire out the children so they would take a nap or to entertain them for a short while. Yet, a child's purpose is completely different. They see a walk as a great adventure - the treasure hunt was limitless. A caterpillar crossing over a stick on the sidewalk was great excitement. Seeing a "rolly-polly" curl and uncurl was even more amazing. Then, if sunset was upon us, to catch a firefly and watch it light up in your hand was nothing short of miraculous. Clouds also had their own fascination. Seeing the various shapes, sizes, and colors made for great games and imagination. Puddles were the absolute highlight though. Children do not walk around them or play neatly in them. They jump in with both feet - screaming with delight the entire time!

Oh, to be a child again! Sometimes I think being an adult is a real disadvantage. I can't remember the last time it took me an hour to walk around the block and the only puddle I stepped in brought screams - but not ones of delight! To have the eyes that see and appreciate all of the miracles of God (no matter how big or small) would be a much needed "vision correction". I don't know when or how it happens, but it seems like most adults become so very busy and dare I say it "cynical". We forget to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures God has just waiting for us. Jesus told us in Matthew 18 that we needed to become like little children. I think He wants us to do that for lots of reasons. One of them is so we get to experience life in the delightful way of a child. So...maybe tomorrow night run outside and see if the sun paints some brilliant colors on the landscape. Gaze on it, and laugh, and clap - if you are brave enough. See life through the eyes of a child...and it just might open up a whole new world!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I've been realizing many of the same things lately! I should have a similar post coming soon. We should write a book together. ;)
