Friday, November 13, 2009

Quieted Like a Baby

The other day I had a series of trying events and frustrating situations - all on the heels of each other. You know those days - you have had it and you can't take it any more. I was grumpy and the only other possible emotion was to be even grumpier. To make matters worse it was only 8:00 a.m. I know that I can't be the only person in the world who has day(s) like this. So whoever is reading this surely can relate. Finally, after trying several thing to make me feel better or to "see the bright side" I decided to try reading God's Word. I flipped my Bible open and this is where it just "happened" to fall open. Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Immediately this incredible peace and quiet came over me. The feeling was unexplainable - nothing had changed. Yet, something was definitely different. I can only describe my feelings by relating it to a baby who is just "out of sorts". Nothing in particular is wrong and yet they are restless and unsettled and fretful. When our children were small and they were like this I would pick them up, hold them gently to me, rock and perhaps sing. I could feel when they just relaxed and then suddenly things were right with them again.

God was being my Heavenly Father at that moment. I was his child and I was the one who was "out of sorts". He "quieted" me with His love from His Word. It was a precious gift to a very fretful child. The funny thing is that I can't really remember ever reading out of Zephaniah but that passage was marked by a highlighter. So...He must have used that passage before and just like my children responded each time to the same things that calmed them - I did the same.

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