Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why a blog?

I entered motherhood in 1985 with absolutely no idea of the adventure that lay before me. I had a brand new college degree (graduating magna cum laude) but no amount of "education" could have readied me for what I was about to undertake. In my daddy's words "I had a lot of book smarts but not much real life common sense". However, children have a way of teaching you things that you never even thought you needed to know. So...my journey has been and continues to be filled with lots of "education" and love, laughter, and joy as well as other emotions that moms experience like inadequacy, frustration, and "being scared spitless" on several occasions. Over the years I have told my children that raising them was worthy of writing a book because some of the things that have happened to us along the way were just too good not to share with other moms on similar journeys. I always have said that my book would be entitled "The Things Children Make Their Mothers Say". (That is a blog entry for another day.) Today I finally decided to start writing because both of my sons have blogs. It did not look too hard and I figured I had no more excuses left so it was now or never. Thus, it is my desire that by sharing some of the experiences of raising our children that you will be encouraged as your raise yours. I had no idea of the amazing and awesome journey that I would have the privilege to experience by being a mom. Steven Curtis Chapman did a great job of summing this up for me in a song entitled "The Great Adventure" and the lyrics go like this...

"Saddle up your horses we've got a trail to blaze.
Through the wild blue yonder of God's amazing grace
Let's follow our leader into the glorious unknown
This is a life like no other - this is The Great Adventure."

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